This book is one of the "Conflict in the 20th Century" series first published in 1986 and has a strong Editorial Panel which has produced an easy to read general study of the Great War. It is very well illustrated with several new original photographs and some excellent coloured maps and diagrammes which make it very suitable for someone begining their studies of the First World War. It covers the war a year at a time highlighting the passage of events and major battles. The many Appendices cover a wealth of information and contain a useful chronology of the War The well couloured maps make it easy to understand moves of both the Allies and the Axis forces. Each chapter is packed with only the relevant facts and this makes for a slim hardback book of only 62 pages. Excellent as an introduction to this subject.
It is now out of print but can be sourced through the secon hand market.
ISBN 0 86313 338 X